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In Europe, the switch has been justified with statistics showing energy savings. During the energy crisis of the 1970s, it was thought that Daylight savings time would reduce the need for lighting, especially in the spring and autumn. The EU passed a directive on the “summer time period” that came into effect in 2002.

EU countries move the clock back one hour tonight.
Image by Yle Uutisgrafiikka from YLE

これは今年の”Daylight saving time”(夏時間制 / サマータイム制)が終わるため。





Clocks will be officially moved back in all 28 European Union countries at 4 am October 26.

The switch will affect some public transport routes during the night, so be sure to check the Helsinki Region Transport timetables if you need to be somewhere.

Many people are confused each autumn and spring as to which direction to turn the clock. A good rule of thumb is to remember that the clock is always turned towards summer – i.e., forward one hour in the spring and back one hour in the autumn.

All of the EU countries turn their clocks back to Daylight saving time again next spring on the last Sunday of March. It is also a shared practice that the official switch takes place at 4 am in each respective country.

In Europe, the switch has been justified with statistics showing energy savings. During the energy crisis of the 1970s, it was thought that Daylight savings time would reduce the need for lighting, especially in the spring and autumn. The EU passed a directive on the “summer time period” that came into effect in 2002.

From an article of Yle, “Remember to turn back your clocks one hour!




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