Light Show in Auckland Art Gallery

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Light Show in Auckland Art Gallery


この国最大の都市オークランドのAuckland Art Galleryでは、ライティングアートを集めた企画展“Light Show”が開催されています。

カラーライティングをテーマとした作品も数多く手掛けているベネズエラ生まれのキネティックアーティスト、Carlos Cruz-Diezの作品も出品されています。


Carlos Cruz-Diez, Chromosaturation @ Lightopia


Continuing from its sell-out season at the Hayward Gallery, London, in 2013, the spectacular Light Show comes to Auckland Art Gallery this spring.

Light Show brings together some of the most visually stimulating artworks created using different forms of light in recent years, with rare works not seen for decades and some re-created specially for the exhibition.

From atmospheric installations to intangible sculptures that you can move around and even through, experience light in all of its spatial and sensory forms. Individual artworks explore colour, duration, intensity and projection of light, as well as perceptual phenomena.



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